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Interdisciplinary Inquiry

Do your interests reach across different disciplines and academic departments? Here’s an opportunity to create your own interdisciplinary major.

TCU student in a classroom

If your academic interests extend beyond traditional academic disciplines, interdisciplinary studies can help you achieve your academic and professional goals. This program is designed to give the highly-motivated student, whose academic interests connect separate traditional disciplines, the opportunity to create an integrated, rigorous course of study based on a focus or inquiry area.

Programs Offered

Sample Courses

Beyond three required courses, coursework will depend on students’ particular interests. For example, a student focused on the science of climate change might undertake a B.S. with an approach housed primarily in the different scientific disciplines coupled with courses in disciplines like History (e.g., American Environmental History) and Sociology (Sustainability: Environmental, Social & Economic Issues). Or, a student similarly interested in climate change but more so about it as a political issue might choose a B.A. with courses in Political Science, as well as in Environmental Science (Contemporary Environmental Issues, Concepts in Environmental Science and Environmental Stewardship Seminar), Economics (Environmental Economics), and Communications courses. Focus area courses taken each year towards the major are determined by the student and the IINQ Program coordinator.
  • INTR 30103 (Introduction to Interdisciplinary Studies)
  • INTR 30403 (Epistemology and Methods)
  • INTR 40103 (Interdisciplinary Inquiry Major Capstone)

Special Admission Requirements

You must develop and submit a proposal as application for this degree program.

Interested students need to email IINQ@tcu.edu with:

  1. their proposed topic of inquiry,
  2. how that focus contributes to their long-term educational and/or career goals, and
  3. the divergent disciplines that could contribute to that focus.

Our Faculty

Since this program spans the borders of individual disciplines, you will have the opportunity to study with leading faculty from across the university.

What Sets Us Apart

This program is designed to give the highly motivated student, whose academic interests cross traditional disciplinary boundaries, the opportunity to create his or her own unique course of study. Unconventional by design, the program boasts a unified focus while combining coursework from two or more academic departments, led by faculty who serve on the student’s supervisory committee and one who serves as the primary advisor.

Career Prospects

Graduates entering the job market can use their customized interdisciplinary degree for a competitive advantage in grad school applications and job placements. By combining two or more areas of study into one degree, graduates can hone in on a fulfilling profession that truly piques their interests.