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joe winickThe TCU Student Government Association has a new president: Joe Winick from Austin, Texas, a junior majoring in political science with a criminal justice minor on the pre-law track. We asked Joe about his SGA involvement, presidential goals and some of his favorite things on and off campus.

What brought you to TCU? 

My dad went to TCU, and I didn’t know if I’d go here, but after applying to 11 schools and touring TCU, it just blew everybody else out of the water. I think it was because of the hospitality here, and now I love Fort Worth and could see myself living here for life. 

When did you get involved in student government and why? 

I was one of my high school’s student body vice presidents and have always been interested in the student leadership aspect. It’s an honor and a privilege to be in a position to help other students, and when I came to TCU, I knew I wanted to get involved in SGA. My dad was also in SGA, so public service runs in the blood. The university truly supports and empowers us to do what we’re doing. 

What student government accomplishments are you most proud of? 

My work on SGA’s Academic Affairs Committee has been the most rewarding. Starting in the fall, we now have a new deadline for pass/no credit. For this, SGA rolled up our sleeves and worked on something that will change students’ lives. It’s a project we’ve been working on for a while, and like others, it takes a while to gain traction, but it’s very satisfying to see a long-term project like this get wrapped up. Another is the university’s Quality Enhancement Plan, which I, along with others from SGA, helped steer forward as we are a strong advocate for inclusive practices on campus. 

What are your primary goals as president? 

The fall SGA concert is top of the list as we plan that over the summer. We want to continue SGA’s work to increase transparency on course descriptions, where professors can provide optional information about courses that will make it clearer so students really know what a class is about. We’re still working through the technical aspects of that. We’ll also continue work on student safety issues, including a shuttle system, and I want us to see about getting student workers parking passes. 

What do you think the biggest challenge will be and how do you plan to overcome it? 

Making sure a project doesn’t reach a stalemate is probably our biggest challenge. Progress takes time; nothing gets done with one person, and our efforts require so many hands from so many different entities. The biggest struggle is to not lose motivation through the process, especially when it feels like something is slowing down. We need to stay motivated and not get discouraged. 

What are some other campus organizations you’re involved in? 

I’m member of Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity and its vice president of academics. I’m also active in Patrick’s Purpose to Value Life, the student organization to promote mental health.  

What are your goals after graduation? 

Right now, law school, though I’m still deciding which area of law. At first, I wanted to be a criminal defense attorney, but now maybe general counsel for a corporation or a university. But I also have a growing interest in working in higher education. 

What do you love most about being a Horned Frog? 

It’s the community. There’s a home for everyone here as there are so many student organizations. I love that TCU has a big-school feel, thanks to the College Football Playoff National Championship game, but it’s also small enough that you see familiar faces every day. When I walk to class, there’s so much activity. Everything is walkable, and I love how pretty campus is. Even in the dead of summer, flowers are blooming and the grass is green. Plus, I’ve made a lot of my best friends here. 

More about Joe: 

Go-to morning beverage: CǴڴڱ&Բ;

A food you wish was healthy: P&Բ;

Favorite spot on campus: Frog Fountain  

Favorite hangout off campus: Common Grounds 

Favorite movie: Forrest Gump 

Last show you binge watched: Seinfeld, my favorite show of all time  

On your playlist: Country and oldies, like Earth Wind & Fire, Frank Sinatra 

Hobbies: Golf, basketball 

Place you love to visit/would travel to one day: I spent a lot of my summers going to basketball tournaments, so I haven’t had a chance to travel much. This summer, I traveled to New York City over Memorial Day weekend and then to Chicago in June for a 150th mural dedication. Of course, going to Washington, D.C., is on the list.   

A professor who had a meaningful impact on you: Dr. Matthew Montgomery from the political science department. He went above and beyond to connect with me on a personal level and has been a phenomenal resource for me as I have navigated my time here at TCU thus far. On top of being a great professor, he is an awesome mentor who truly cares for his students. 

Best TCU memory to date: TCU’s last football season, during the Oklahoma State University game, when we marched back and won the game. That’s when TCU got the nation’s attention and said, “We’re serious. We’re here to play.”  

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