
Relevant Laws
An Act relating to a reporting requirement for certain incidents of sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, or stalking at certain public and private institutions of higher education; creating a criminal offense; authorizing administrative penalties.
An Act relating to sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking at public and private post-secondary educational institutions; providing an administrative penalty.- An Act relating to a requirement that a public or private institution of higher education include a notation on a student’s transcript under certain circumstances.
On- and Off-Campus Resources
3025 Lubbock Avenue, Fort Worth, Texas 76129
24/7 Phone Counseling Helpline: 817-257-SAFE (7233)
Jarvis Hall, Suite 232, 2820 S. University Dr., 76129
Ms. Leah Carnahan
TCU Confidential Advocate
Email: OR
The Harrison, Suite 1600 (First Floor), Fort Worth, Texas 76129
3025 Lubbock Avenue
Fort Worth, Texas 76129
Phone: 817-257-7777
2701 West Berry Street
Fort Worth, Texas 76129
Phone: 817-257-7790
1st Floor – Jarvis Hall
817-257-7830- TCU Ethics & Compliance Hotline
Phone: 844-996-0283
Magellan Healthcare
Available 24/7/365
Provided at no cost
Confidential service provided by third party
Core Services: Counseling (includes up to 5 counseling sessions), Coaching, Online
Legal Assistance, Financial Coaching & Identity Threat Resolution
Work-Life Services: Personalized referrals to service providers including childcare,
adult care, education, home improvement, consumer information, emergency preparedness
and more
1500 S. Main, Fort Worth TX 76104
817-702-1100- JPS Emergency Department
1575 S. Main Street Fort Worth TX 76104
817-702-8828 - JPS Health Center for Women
1201 S. Main Street Fort Worth TX 76104
1100 Hemphill Street #303, Fort Worth, TX 76104
1723 Hemphill St, Fort Worth, Texas 76110
Rape Crisis Hotline: 817-927-2737
Main Office: 817-927-2737
Counseling Main Office: 817-927-4040
Counseling Helpline: 817-927-4000
1100 Hemphill Street, Fort Worth, TX 76104
Satellite Location: GRACE
837 E. Walnut Street, Grapevine, TX 76051
3840 Hulen Street, North Tower, Fort Worth, TX 76107
Main Line: 817-569-4300
2332 Beverly Hills Drive, Fort Worth, TX 76114
817-625-4254- City of Fort Worth’s Diversity & Inclusion Department
817-392-7525 (M-F 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.) - Legal Aid of Northwest Texas
600 East Weatherford Street, Fort Worth, TX 76102
817-336-3943 OR 800-955-3959
800-799-SAFE (7233)
800-273-8255- STD Testing in Fort Worth
Lactation Rooms
TCU supports meeting the needs of nursing individuals and provides a dedicated private and quiet space for those nursing. Lactation rooms are available to TCU employees and students. Card access is required and access is granted for one year. Employees should contact the Director of Benefits in TCU Human Resources to request access to the Lactation Rooms. Students should reach out to the Associate Director of the Student Health Center to request access to the Lactation Rooms. For questions , please email Human Resource Benefits at List of Lactation Rooms
Educational Resources
Other Information
- February 22, 2017 - Guidance on Rights of Transgender Students
- June 25, 2013 - Guidance on Supporting the Academic Success of Pregnant and Parenting